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Oscar Mayer - Wieners for Everyone


Let’s be frank, the Academy Awards is a sausage fest and we’re tired of it. 

What did we do about it? We created DOOH placed around the venue that used true statistics highlighting the advantages of having a wiener at the Oscars while driving consumers to @OscarMayer to see their commitment to making change in this arena.

On the ground, we even got the Wienermobiles involved by having them drive around LA with related headline decals to help further grill the Oscars. We even leveraged social during the event by live-tweeting more wiener-centric statistics out in the world.

If it wasn’t clear that Oscar Mayer wasn’t the only Oscar that favors wieners - it certainly is now. ❌🌭

My Role


Agency: Johannes Leonardo

Group Creative Directors: Jeph Burton, Hunter Hampton & Zoe Kessler

Creative Director: Melusi Mhlungo

Copywriter: Zoe Myers

Art Director: Matthew Barton

Design Director: Charles Watlington

Animator: Leanne Rule
